
Showing posts from November, 2017

Chapter 6, in which I might have waited for something exciting to happen before posting

I know it's been a little bit longer since I last posted than I meant for it to be, but hopefully my audience can forgive me. I knew that we had a church retreat coming up, and I thought it might afford an opportunity to really talk about something a little bit more exciting than my ordinary day to day life. Every Friday we have a believer's course called Al Masira here in the Elim-Zentrum, and a week and more ago, during this course we, the church, invited along any participants who would be interested in coming to our church retreat. Given that it was an invitation, they were invited along free of charge to a weekend of bible study, worship, games, and authentic German food. But I get ahead of myself. Five adults and one girl from the course participants piled into our big white church van Friday evening, and it was off to the retreat. Friday night we had dinner and then a session. There were four such sessions, each including a time of worship as well as approximately an

Chapter 5, in which some stuff happens and I learn some other stuff and am bad at titles

When I first arrived in Kaiserslautern I was surprised by the size of the city and a little intimidated as to how I was supposed to find my way around. Recently, however, I've started to become more comfortable with this place and feeling more at home. This building in which I'm living is starting to feel like my home, but at the same time I'm realizing that nowhere on this earth is really going to be my home. I have a true home to look forward to someday. Another encouraging thing is seeing people around town that I recognize. There's an Afghan man from Café International whom I've run into twice now in town, and it's really cool to see the way his face lights up at recognizing me, as I'm sure mine likely does too. Let's see, an interesting story or two from the last few weeks? This past Saturday we had a church cleaning day, and everyone came together and worked towards a common goal. It was quite a fun thing actually, talking and cleaning. That