
Showing posts from December, 2017

Chapter 7, in which I have a new beginning of sorts

I am rather poor at this whole posting a blog on time thing. My audience should just expect these to come when they come, and likely at irregular intervals, and the only sure thing is that they will likely never be when expected. That being said, I have had quite an interesting last few weeks. Thanksgiving was a huge success, with around 60 people coming to celebrate. Unfortunately I didn't get my interview that day, but I was able to go to the school the Tuesday afterward and was asked to begin working three days a week beginning that Wednesday. So now, rather than having hardly anything to do some days of the week, I have the pleasure of waking up soon after 6 in the morning to take a bus and go work with the elementary school, that is, classes 1 through 4. Thursdays I will also be helping out with an after school homework help program in which there are several English-speaking students. I am really excited about my new work, and I have already seen the ways in which I have be